September 2010 • Issue 152_

Reality Checking with Brent Raynes—Those Mysterious “Voices”: Where do they come from?

Bats Chasing Zahi Hawass: An amazing adventure into an underground cave system at Giza that doesn't exist by Dr. Greg Little

Where Next With Giza's Cave Underworld? by Andrew Collins

Did Six Egyptians Die While Digging for the Hall of Records at Giza? by Dr. Greg Little

Giza's Secret Digging Video (April 2010) Exposed by Andrew Collins

Archaeotrek by Dr. Greg Little—Marksville, Louisiana Mounds

Classic Mysteries: A Stormy Break in Time and Space by Brent Raynes

An Interview with Timothy Frick: Writer, Cryptozoologist, and an MIB Impersonator (who the MIB may have impersonated!) By Brent Raynes

Encounters with the Unknown—John Keel, the MIB, and Long Island’s Vanishing Cars! by Brent Raynes

Book Reviews— Van Daniken, 2012, and Vampires — by Brent Raynes


Pyramids Cave Underworld Finally Confirmed

Dark Matter From Cygnus Studied

Zahi Hawass to lecture at ARE's Ancient Mysteries Conference Oct/2010