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VISITORS FROM HIDDEN REALMS Discover the connection between UFO visitors and shamanic lore! Brent Raynes' stunning book—intro. by Brad Steiger. | ||||||||||
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Visitors from Hidden Realms: The Origin and Destiny of Humanity As Told by Star Elders, Shamen, and UFO Visitors | ||
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Meet Priscilla Wolf and Brent Raynes at Colorado’s UFO Watchtower Conference! That’s right, join them and hear their exciting talks in person at the UFO Watchtower Conference on August 9 and 10, 2008. The UFO Watchtower is located 22 _ miles north of Alamosa, Colorado, on Highway 17. Camping is available at the Tower for $10 per night. Cost for the conference is $25 per person with advance registration, or $30 at the door. Reservations can be made by calling 719-378-2296 or by mailing the fee to: UFO Watchtower, P.O. Box 522, Hooper, CO 81136. Web address is: www.ufowatchtower.com. Direct emails to: ufowatchtower@yahoo.com. The Feminine Presence in the Paranormal Field If you’re going to be a professional psychic, it would obviously be great to have Laura Day’s knack of impressing your clients. A 49-year-old New York mother with a 16-year-old son, Laura makes herself available to her clients 24 hours a day at a fee of $10,000 a month. She reportedly averages about five clients a month, and working solely by referrals allegedly made more than $10 million dollars in the past 15 years. “Day is one of a small but expanding cadre of corporate psychic consultants, the professional face of an occupation better known for hokey headscarves and crystal balls,” wrote Tony Dokoupil for NEWSWEEK (06-21-08). “Rebranded as ‘intuitionists’ or ‘mentalists’, terms more palatable to mainstream America, psychic advisers in recent years have been crossing over into the world of legitimate business, where they are used by decision makers in law, finance and entertainment looking for an edge in a down economy.” According to the NEWSWEEK article, Laura Day has become something of a “hot commodity” with certain high-profile business people, like the William Morris talent agency, a well-known Hollywood producer, and even a Manhattan attorney. “Day saves me thousands of minutes on my cell phone” in working a case, the lawyer (who wished not to be identified) explained. “Holzer’s Hotties Hit Manhattan!” At least that’s the word on the street in New York City. Alexandra Holzer, 37, the daughter of Hans Holzer (the first Ghost Hunter), is the one primarily spreading the word. She is the team leader of a group of ladies who are also called New York’s Pretty Paranormals. She also is an author, investigator, and intuitive in her own right, as well as a fun and outgoing personality with frequent tendencies towards being something of a comedian. She is becoming quite in demand for talks and radio appearances and will be speaking at the TAPS Conference, July 19-20th in Clearwater, Florida. She is also organizing something called the Haunted Holzer Con, with the help of her two fellow “hotties.” “It's in it's very early stages of development,” Alexandra explained, “but we’re shooting for January of '09 in New York City. It will launch the first conference based on a paranormal figure of great importance from our past...my father Dr. Hans Holzer, Ph.D. There are many groups and organizations out there and I cringed at the thought of being one of them as I like to be independent, but then I realized that working with women such as myself would yield far better results in bringing about paranormal awareness and with keeping to the respect factor. So, I gave in and formed a group that was based solely on our visions of the future to help people, animals, the environment and those of the living and the dead. With all of us having different back stories we still can come together for this common goal. We just need the support of everyone out there and to not wait for a cable show to air in order to become a support of our work whether it is articles, books, case work, radio show appearances or lectures at conferences. We need people to write in to the media and request our presence like a ghost!” In a recent email, Alexandra had stated that she didn't like what she was seeing in the paranormal field. I asked her what things she would want to see changed? “It's not so much things I want to change as it is more about bringing back history and respect to the field,” she told me. “Many are serious but as there are those who are, there are many who are not. Also, the youth look at the field differently with a lack of knowledge and science and go out ghost busting like its Halloween. It is totally absurd and someone needs to grab a hold of the ghostly reigns and pull back a bit. My girls and I are grabbing!” I asked about them calling themselves “Holzer’s Hottie’s” and Alexandra explained, “I came up with the tag line to get attention because unfortunately in our world that is what one needs to do in order to command silence and go about what you have to say. The platform becomes yours and you can get up and be heard. Besides, New York is a bit noisy so we gotta, ya know?” “The spirit world does indeed exist and I intend to help prove that,” Carly-Rose Singer, the team’s pretty EVP/DVP expert, scientific investigator and intuitive shares with us.“This is not a joke and I am not involved for the sake of the five second thrill it may bring. I do what I do because I feel it is crucial to pass on the correct information and not made-up mumbo jumbo granola rubbish that some are spreading, and finally because I truly do care about all those involved, the living and the dead.” “I do not pretend to know it all because no one does, and I do not think there will ever be a day when I ever stop learning and educating myself either, but what I do know I'll tell you for a fact or I just won’t tell you anything at all. I have seen many things with my own eyes and heard many things with my own ears and have a great deal of evidence to back it up with. I believe that anyone interested in learning the truth has that right. There will always be non-believers and skeptics and no amount of evidence will ever be enough for them unless they witness something for themselves, and for some even if a ghost walked up to them, slapped them in the face and shouted 'hey I'm a ghost!' they would still be coming out with all sorts of excuses to themselves about what else it might of been based on. They are not ready to know what some of us already know and I can respect that, but in saying that it is not my job to turn those people into believers either, nor would I want to as Id much rather use up my energy on far more important stuff!” “I'm as real as they get and believe in total honesty. It is crucial in order to bring back the respect and credibility that the field deserves. Those that 'get it' will understand what I am trying to convey and get done, and this is for them also. I am here to help bring about the truth. This is my calling.” We wish New York’s pretty paranormal team all of the success that they can stand. They seem to have it going on. Looks and intelligence both! Priscilla Wolf’s Grandmother Matilda Fernandez Trujillo, “Little Woman” The forgotten Apache orphans…and a sleeping prophet—Part one. Sister Wolf recently shared with me this moving account of her grandmother. She begins: “We all know that European conquest had a devastating effect on American Indians, but following that period of war, during the nineteenth century, a different kind of conquest altered American Indian History forever. This later conquest was the relocation, removal, and adoption of children away from the American Indian families and their homeland.” … statement by Apache Frieda Ann Eswonia of Yavapai-Apache history and on how in 1875 the Verde Valley ancestors were forcibly marched to a concentration camp located 180 miles away in San Carlos, Arizona. During the move of Indian people some were given new names. The plan was that they would become civilized, ridding them of their old names and the old ways of life. My grandmother Matilda “Little Woman” Chica lost her mother at the age of 4 going on 5. She was separated from her two sisters. Her father, who was Apache, left and never returned to look for his daughters. He remarried a Taos Pueblo Indian woman and had three sons. A lot of Indian children were sent to boarding schools. The people had no idea where the children were taken to. Great fear overcame them as to what their fate might be. These children were told that their parents were dead. Just like my grandmother’s father, who she thought was dead, but turned out to be living in Taos, NM with a new family. Little Woman went from home to home. She was baptized Catholic and her godparents took her in for a short period of time. Her last home was with the Martinez family, a Spanish family, at age 7 to 12. Then she was traded to my grandfather Antonio for cattle, horses, and feed. The United States never cared about the Indian children left without parents or families. Villages were raided and they killed old men, old women, children and burned their villages. One of my grandmother’s stories told to me by grandmother was how she survived the Indian war by hiding behind a bush as she saw the soldiers kill everything in their path, all for the land they didn’t need. Where was God, I asked? Who would allow these outsiders to leave their countries and take and take, killing to have what God didn’t give them. I never could understand religion, in the name of God! They even killed Jesus! It’s sad to think about. Grandmother survived so I could be born. Going back to the Indian Orphan children of the war, they were used as servants for Spanish families in New Mexico. They were children who in the end were not claimed by anyone! They belonged to no families of the past, no tribe, and yet they were Indian children. In 2003, I got my first break to have my grandmother’s story told to Kathy West of “the West History Trail of Women.” That made a difference and was part of the story that had to be told. In 2005, Frieda Ann Eswonia from Clarkdale, AZ, who is part of the Gah’nahvah/ya ti Apache newspaper in Campverde, Arizona, did a write-up about Indian Orphans and a DVD. Many stories and movies have been made about Indians, but not one about the Indian Orphans. War always hurts the children, but no one cares. Grandmother was treated like an animal, but she never forgot who she was. That’s what made her strong, being an Apache. We have no proof she was Apache, but our people knew she was Indian. To look at me (Sister Wolf), I look all Indian, and I’m very proud of who I am. Spanish and Indian, I have been treated good by the Yavapai-Apaches. In Arizona, many words I took from Frieda’s writings about Apache Orphans. At one time, the statement you heard a lot by whites, the only good Indian is a dead Indian. Matilda, her Spanish given name, was born around 1890. Her Indian name was Chica, for Little Woman. She was an orphan by age 4 going on 5. Indian families were being pursued by the US Calvery. Many Indian people went to live with the Mexicans and Spanish. They thought their capture and death were certain. The children were given to different Spanish families. Many were sent to live in camps and reservations. Grandmother went from family to family. Finally she was given to a family, but unfortunately the family already had 11 children and were extremely poor. Instead of a refuge, Chica found slavery. She had to cook, clean, and care for the eleven children, although she was a child herself. For food she ate whatever was left, from practically nothing to start with, to just crumbs. She described to her granddaughter how she learned to weave grass baskets and carry food on top of her head. Chica was cruelly whipped by the adults in the family and was made to sleep in the barn with the farm animals. The father of the family washed her down when the animals were washed. She felt like one of the livestock. The children treated her with kindness. There was another orphan, an Apache boy in the neighborhood. His name was Paco. He was a servant for a Spanish couple that had no children. He was treated better and slept in their home. They raised horses, and Paco would bring extra horses for Indian children to ride with him. Those were the only good times Chica had. She loved horses and was a good horse back rider who taught me, her granddaughter, to ride bare back. Candy was never shared with her, nor did she have a blanket to keep her warm. She would use sacks and straw to keep her warm. She wore no shoes, nor underwear. She just had a long cotton dress to her feet. She would wash in the river and braid her long black hair. Paco had brought her moccasins to wear that an Indian woman made in Taos. These were her first shoes since her mother died. She had a fall once, she claimed, and she started having strange dreams of a man who was a healer. He was a sleeping prophet she claimed he said to her in a dream. To be continued: In the next issue, read more about this sleeping prophet and a man named Edgar Cayce. Reality Checks that Bounced (You can’t win them all!) Beam Me up, Scotty! Just published is an autobiography by William Shatner, entitled Up Till Now, and in it he confesses how he made up the now well-known alien saved my life in the desert story. “It’s a wonderful story and every bit of it is not true,” he now reveals. “But the tabloids picked it up and ran it: ‘Shatner Saved by Alien.’ I loved it. I’d put one over on the gossip rags.” A few years later, Shatner was approached by a John Newland who was producing a TV special called One Step Beyond, and he asked Shatner if anything “strange” had ever happened to him. “No, not really,” Shatner writes that he initially responded. Then he remembered the story that he had earlier made up while being interviewed for a TV program. The interviewer asked him about his interest in motorcycles, and Shatner recalled how he had a mishap with his motorcycle out in the desert, and then for whatever reason made up the story of how a stranger in a “silver suit” guided him out of the desert and to safety. So anyway, Shatner repeated this tale to Newland who apparently loved it and said, “Perfect. You can be the star of the special.” A recreation of the motorcycle mishap was filmed in which the poor stuntman broke his back. Then several months after filming that segment, Newland introduced Shatner to astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell. It seemed that Dr. Mitchell was going to host the program. Shatner wrote: “That was very exciting to me; obviously I had tremendous admiration for the astronauts. When we met he shook my hand firmly and looked me directly in the eyes and said, ‘Bill Shatner, I’ve admired you for a long time, Captain Kirk, it’s great to meet you. Boy, that is some amazing story about what happened to you in the desert.’ He thought it was true. I had made up this whole story, and he believed it. How could I tell an astronaut that he was being fooled? That this never happened? ‘It certainly was amazing,’ I agreed.” Shatner added: “…for more than three decades the tabloids have been telling and retelling the story of the day William Shatner’s life was saved by an alien,” adding, “I truly love making up reality.” Well known paranormal writer Tim Beckley, a former stringer for the National Enquirer, had once heard the tall tale directly from Shatner’s own lips himself. “I’m not overly surprised by Shatner’s comments,” Tim told me in an email. “I interviewed him backstage at Dick Clark’s Pyramid show and he told me his UFO story in the desert which included him being followed by an MIB type motorcycle rider. In my mind, I always put it in the ‘I only half believe it’ category. Shatner always loved promoting himself. He is a ham in the true sense of the word. He always had a story for every purpose. I remember in SAGA magazine he gave an interview in which he professed to be a big game hunter…I think he was hunting wild boars. His statement that the tabloids ‘believed his story’ does not wash with reality. The editors of the tabloids want to sell papers. If a celebrity tells them a story they are in all probability going to use it. Remember Shatner is an ‘actor’, but then some of the personalities in ufology are also actors. It’s hard to say who is the better ‘performer’ when you put B.S. up against them (B.S.? That seems like some sort of cipher in this case).” At the time of this writing, astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell was in Taiwan, but thanks to the wonderful world of electronic communications his executive assistant Cathy Beals was able to reach him for comment on this story. Beals wrote: “Dr. Mitchell tells me that he has met William Shatner in the past, and that during the brief time with him, he expressed his appreciation of Shatner’s acting and efforts. However, Dr. Mitchell says that he had not heard the alien story. (He says if he had heard about it, he would have assumed that it was part of the ‘Captain Kirk act.’”) The Mysterious “Pearl” That Wasn’t Linda Moulton Howe reportedly described on Dreamland a report of a strange silvery, pearl-like object about three feet in diameter that fell into a schoolyard in Decatur, Alabama, and was taken away in an ambulance. UFO investigator Sue Pitts of Huntsville, Alabama responded to my request for information with this email: “I called an investigator and had this researched very thoroughly. …This was a shooting that happened, I know for a fact. The teenagers had been to their prom and apparently had one or two of something. The pearl was actually a space blanket draped over the victim. The bright lights from inside the ambulance gave it a pearlized effect. The gentleman was transported to the hospital…. By Medflight. He had been shot earlier that day and it took a while to get everyone in play. The domed shaping was caused by the nurses elevating his knees with a triangular shaped foam pillow to assist blood flow to the heart. Sorry for the non-alien alien but this time it was a false alarm. We did however have a very low meteor go across the sky about the same time medflight took off from the hospital. It was amazing.” We talked about this further on the telephone, and additional details were promised. The Crop Circle Hoax! Another crop circle formation sighted in Madisonville, Tennessee. The news even made CNN. But then came the verdict from Jeff Wilson, a former college instructor of physics and astronomy and the director of Ohio’s Independent Crop Circle Researchers Association, who had traveled down to Tennessee to investigate the story. He had visited Madisonville the year before to investigate a crop circle formation. “It is clearly a manmade formation,” he stated at a press conference gathering, referring to this latest formation. “In that earlier formation we found elevated levels of radioactivity and increased levels of electromagnetic energy and evidence of microwave activity. In this year’s pattern we found no extraordinary energy at all.” “For one, you can’t fake radioactivity. Last year the radioactive count inside the first circle was two to four times the amount of normal background activity. And the one sure scientific test that separates man-made formations from those not made by man is the measurement of the lengthened growth nodes. Growth node expulsions are just not a hoaxable effect.” These details and more were presented on The Monroe County Buzz’s newspaper website: www.MonroeBuzz.com. The story was posted by it’s editor Mark Boring on May 15th 2008. Two New Books Sister Wolf has two new books just out (go to: www.e-booktime.com; www.amazon.com; and www.BarnesandNoble.com ). They are entitled God’s Gospel Singers and Wolf Ghost Stories. Look for these titles under the name Priscilla Garduno Wolf. Special Announcement: Meet Priscilla Wolf and Brent Raynes At Colorado’s UFO Watchtower Conference! That’s right, join them and hear their exciting talks in person at the UFO Watchtower Conference on August 9 and 10, 2008. The UFO Watchtower is located 22 _ miles north of Alamosa, Colorado, on Highway 17. Camping is available at the Tower for $10 per night. Cost for the conference is $25 per person with advance registration, or $30 at the door. Reservations can be made by calling 719-378-2296 or by mailing the fee to: UFO Watchtower, P.O. Box 522, Hooper, CO 81136. Web address is: www.ufowatchtower.com. Direct emails to: ufowatchtower@yahoo.com. | ||
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