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An Interview with Nancy Talbott: Crop Circles and Beyond! by Brent Raynes Nancy Talbott of BLT Research Team, Inc., (P.O. Box 400127, Cambridge, MA 02140) gives us the fascinating details on the scientific research her organization has done into the global crop circle mystery and controversy. Prepare to be astounded at what she and her colleagues have discovered. For further information and updates go to her website at: http://www.bltresearch.com Editor: How did you become involved in the crop circle mystery, and what is BLT Research? It’s not bacon, lettuce, and tomato, right? Nancy Talbott: It can be that if you like. I got involved in the early 1990s. I think 1990 was the first time that I was aware of the phenomenon. Actually I had gone down to Harvard Square to get something interesting to read and there was a magazine in the foreign section with photographs. I had never heard of crop circles. I didn’t have the faintest idea what they were, but the designs were intriguing, so I took the magazine, along with a bunch of others, and then when I was reading it I found that there was a lot of information there. It was a brand new thing to me, and it was like, “Wow, what’s this?” I had this very strong feeling that I should inform myself, so I went to England at the first opportunity and got on my hands and knees down in the crop and started looking around, saw a couple of things that I thought were kind of interesting, and while I was there that first year I had heard that there was an American biophysicist who had gotten interested in the whole thing and was actually willing to look at plants, which just blew me away because science doesn’t generally touch these things with a ten foot pole. So when I got back from England I went to Michigan, where W. C. Levengood is, and introduced myself and told him that I was real interested in whatever this was, and would he share the work that he has done so far with me, which he agreed to do. He took me into the lab, started to explain exactly how he was approaching the whole thing. I’ve worked in various labs at the University of Maryland, years ago, and at Harvard in the anthropology department and in the social relations department, and I know the basic research protocol and how things are done in science, and what I observed him doing was the same kind of thing. Very routine, very straight-forward, and already he was beginning to get some interesting results. So I decided that (since) he didn’t have the ability really to organize field workers and things of that sort, I had some money at the time, and right at the same time John Burke, who is the B in BLT, is a business man in New York and he had gotten interested in the whole thing. He came up, and so all three of us got together. John had access to a lot of libraries, which meant that he could do literature searches for us, and Levengood of course had the lab, so he could do the actual lab work, and I had the ability to organize field workers and train them and develop protocols, and I also had some money to help pay for the expenses. So we just formed this loose association between the three of us and started to do exactly that. You know, to develop protocols so that the formations were sampled in the same manner over and over again, and I rounded up field workers slowly but surely in all of these different countries, to do the actual work, because we couldn’t be of course everywhere that you had to be. The whole idea was to do a very organized attack on the crop circle plants and eventually the soil to see what we could learn about the phenomenon. In England people wanted to call us something, and really kind of as a joke I came up with BLT just because our last names were Burke, Levengood and Talbott, you know, the sandwich BLT, never thinking that it would go this far. I mean, it never occurred to me that it would. And so then, I don’t know, we worked together as a group for eight years I think, and during this time we had about 300 to 350 field workers around the world, in various countries. We had about 8 or 9 countries at that point, and we were churning this stuff out. We were really getting a lot of plants in and then eventually when we discovered some anomalies in the soil we started to do soil sampling too, and during this period of time we published three papers in the scientific literature, in a journal called Physiologica Plantarum, which is a plant physiology journal, and then the journal Scientific Exploration, which is where the first soil study was published. In that very first paper, which was authored by Levengood and published in 1994, he outlined the basic changes that he had been observing in the plants and very consistently perhaps the most important perimeter were elongated, stretched apical nodes. Now the nodes are these knuckle like protuberances along the plant stem, and the apical node is the top node beneath the seed head. The first node down from the seed head, and he was seeing, over and over again, if we would take, lets say 500 samples from inside the crop circle and maybe 300-400 controls from outside, at varying distances from outside, he would then measure all of those nodes, and then run a statistical program to see whether or not there was any difference. And what he was finding consistently was something like a thirty five percent plus of the 200 and some percent increase in the length of those nodes. So that was one of the findings in that first paper. He had also begun to notice something that we had termed expulsion cavities. These are holes blown out at the nodes farther down the plant stem, the second and third nodes in the plant. Usually, in the early days, we would see, only occasionally, expulsion cavities, and generally in the second nodes beneath the seed head. In more recent times, we now see them all the way down the plant stem and even in ten foot tall field corn we now get examples where every single node is blown all the way down the plant stem. Very dramatic. Now both of those physical changes to the plant are thought to be due to microwave radiation to which the plant has been exposed. The microwaves are heating up the moisture inside the plant stem, the nutrients, you know, what feeds the seeds. The moisture is collected at the nodes primarily, and Levengood thinks that very intense, very brief bursts of microwave radiation is heating that up to turn it into steam, and at the top of the plant the tissues are fairly elastic (they stretch pretty easily), and he thinks that the steam builds up in these nodes, at the top of the plant, because the tissue is elastic and the node stretches as the steam seeps out. Farther down the plant stem the fibers are tougher, they’re not elastic, they don’t stretch, and so as the steam builds up there it eventually blows a hole right through the side of the node. Now that is his hypothesis as to what is going on in those two changes, and so from that we could ascertain that one of the energies involved was microwave radiation, or something that was acting just like it. The next basic change that he observed was a change in germination. We would take seeds from the plants inside the crop circle and seeds from the plants outside and then we would germinate and grow them for two or three weeks and compare the growth, and what he found, over a number of years, was that when the crop circles occur in immature plants before their seed is fully formed the seed never develops completely normally and the seedlings that are produced by those seeds are not vigorous and wouldn’t grow on their own in the fields. In other words, the ability of the plant to reproduce itself has been seriously damaged. Again he thought that this was probably due to exposure to the microwave component of the energy system. What we found later on was that when crop circles occur in mature crop, where the seed is fully formed, when the crop circle occurs, those seeds will be dehydrated, shriveled and weigh less, just as the others do. They look like they’re not going to do anything, but they grow at up to five times the rate of normal. They produce a more vigorous, hearty plant. They produce greater yield, and they do it without water or light for long periods of time. Now that particular result was astounding. It was very intriguing because if in fact we could figure out how to replicate that this would mean that in drought stricken countries you could perhaps grow plants to feed people in areas where you had unreliable sunlight, and since the yield was greater there was more food to begin with, the plants produced more food. Levengood and Burke worked on this problem for quite awhile and eventually developed a piece of equipment that could deliver electrical pulses. Levengood calls them ion avalanches. It’s a fairly simple and straight forward concept. Normal seeds are simply exposed to these electrical pulses, and found that by doing that he could replicate that affect. He can produce now, with this piece of equipment, the same effect that we found in crop circles that occurred late in the season. From that piece of information we then knew that the energy system involved in making crop circles had to also include these unusual electrical pulses, because of this effect in the increased growth and yield. We didn’t get enough cases to be absolutely certain of this, but in a number of cases where the crop circles had occurred, in non-hybridized plants, plants that had not been mickey moused, or, in other words, this is how they normally would grow. The normal growth rate, which should be variable, not all the same the way that it is with hybrids, that variable growth rate was altered, so the seedlings taken from those seeds, or grown from those seeds, then grew in a synchronized fashion. I mean, that’s amazing. Almost everything nowadays is hybridized and there were very few cases of non-hybridized crops, but we observed that in those cases. So whether that would be something that would hold up if we had 40 cases like that I don’t know, but in the few that we had that’s what we found. Planks and boards could not possibly do any of these things. After about the fifth year, we started to get a couple of cases in where we observed that the node length changed. There was an increase in the node length. If you had a circle, for instance, the node length change in many of these would be the greatest at the center of the circle and it would diminish as a function of distance away from the circle. In other words, stepping down in exact agreement with a law in physics called the Beer-Lambert Principle, and the Beer-Lambert Principle is simply a mathematical concept that describes the absorption of electromagnetic energy by matter. We found that this occurred not only inside of some circles, which is again an absolute guarantee that what caused the node length change had to be electromagnetic energy, because that’s what this mathematical formula describes. It’s used in physics all of the time. We found that this occurred not only inside some of the circles (not all of them, but some of them) it also occurred in standing crop outside the formation. In several cases we observed the node length change at the edge of the circle would decrease as you sampled farther and farther away from the circle. So your first control was taken let’s say at one foot and you’d have a node length change there of let’s say one, and you’d sample ten feet away and you’d go to point nine, and another ten feet away and you’d go to point eight, with a very linear decrease in node length in standing crop, crop that hasn’t been touched. I mean, no way that a board or a plank had anything to do with that. With that again it wasn’t something that we found all of the time, but we found it on several occasions. Editor’s Note: These patterns were with crop circles from what countries are we talking about? Nancy Talbott: From all over. Every country that we worked in. The U.S., Canada, England, Israel, Australia, Germany, Holland. Editor: Okay. So it’s highly significant that you came across all of these different findings. Nancy Talbott: Yeah, to find the same damned thing over and over and over again is amazing. Editor: Especially when no one at that time knew to be looking for these things. Nancy Talbott: Well they couldn’t have done it even if they Editor: Well, they’d have to have the science to do it. Nancy Talbott: No, they couldn’t have done it anyhow. I don’t think anybody on the planet can do it. At any rate, this Beer-Lambert correlation was very interesting. Furthermore, in some cases, where you know how some crop circles have standing parts inside of them (some are flattened and some are standing, to make a design) some of the standing interiors are found to have the same kind of node length increase as you see in the flattened plants. And yet the plants have never been flattened. So that right away rules out boards and planks. I mean, if the damned plant is standing up and it’s on the inside of the crop circle and it has this node length change, clearly a board or a plank didn’t do it. This is always compared to the controls. In every case, what we do is compare whatever we’re finding inside the circle to the plants outside, and we’re not talking ten or twenty plants. We’re talking hundreds. In every case, in each crop circle. So statistically these results are all significant at the zero point zero five level, which is what is required by science. The next major discovery was in 1993, in a crop circle in England, at a place called Cherhill. We discovered a magnetic glaze on chunks of soil in the center of the crop circle, as well as embedded in the plants. We got samples of all of this stuff, and he and John eventually determined that this was pure iron, highly magnetic, and that it had been in the molten state. It had been hot when it hit the ground. What they believe happened (whether this is what happened or not, I don’t know), this is their hypothesis, is that microscopic particles of meteoric dust, which are filtering to earth all of the time, because meteorites are coming in all of the time. But at this particular time this was during the Perseid Meteor Shower that we made this one finding. So at that particular time there was a lot more of this stuff coming into England than normally. And they think that one of these crop circle plasma systems, which is what Levengood believes is the causation behind the crop circle, drew the microscopic particles of meteoric dust into the plasma. This is a swirling, descending plasma system, because when plasmas swirl or rotate they emit microwaves. They have very strong magnetic fields associated with them and they give off these unusual electrical pulses. So he figures that the magnetic field generated by the spiraling action drew in the magnetic particles (the dust). The microwaves, simultaneously, being emitted by the plasma system, then heated these little pieces of dust up to form globules of molten iron, which then, when the whole system impacted the earth’s surface, left this molten iron covering the plants and the soils. Then in I think 1999, the third paper, which was published in Physiologia Plantarum, discussed in greater detail the energy system involved, the idea of a plasma vortex. Levengood and I co-authored that paper. The Beer-Lambert result is there, along with a number of other things. Basically, the idea is that highly charged thermal dynamically unstable (in other words, fairly chaotic) plasma system (and Levengood envisioned not a single plasma but multiple plasmas interacting) descended from, he believed, the ionosphere. Now what caused them to form originally he didn’t know. He wondered about the HAARP project, if that could be generating them, or climatic changes and things. He didn’t have a theory as to how they were generated spontaneously, but once generated his idea was that they then descended down towards the earth’s surface, spiraling around the earth’s geomagnetic field lines, which is a reasonable assumption. Now when these plasma systems spiral it’s known in the laboratories that they emit microwaves, they have these strong magnetic fields associated with them, and they give off these unusual electrical pulses. So a plasma system is known to produce the same kind of energies that we have found evidence of in the crop circle plants and soil. So it’s a reasonable hypothesis based upon the work that Levengood, Burke and I did together. Whether it’s the ultimate answer who knows, but you have to offer a hypothesis and that’s the one that was in those papers. Subsequently, Levengood is getting up there in years and he put in seven or eight years of hard work on all of this, was interested in pursuing certain other ideas, other things he is curious about, and I had thought that when we published one paper that it would be in the scientific literature, that other scientists would pay attention to it. But guess what. One paper doesn’t do much of anything. Then we published two, and then we published the third, and you’re expecting somebody else to get onboard here and it didn’t happen, and I started to realize that it was going to take more than one scientist. It was probably going to take multiple scientists in multiple disciplines looking at lots of different things if we were ever going to get the science establishment to take the crop circle phenomenon seriously. Editor: Before I called you I took a quick look at your website and I saw where there was a Dr. Haselhoff, a physicist over in the Netherlands who had also studied the crop circles. Nancy Talbott: Haselhoff did replicate our work. Found exactly the same things. He was totally independent from us. He did, in one case, examined the nodes to a very careful node length examination himself and got exactly the same node length changes. In fact, in his instance, this Beer-Lambert thing would have also worked. He had a different idea as to what it meant, but he got the same physical results, and that’s of interest because he’s not related to us and we didn’t even know that he was doing this work. It was done totally separately, and yet he found exactly what we had been saying that we have found for the last ten years. There is now also a guy in Italy, a biologist there, Giorgio Pattera, who is replicating our work also, and he has also found node length change, expulsion cavities, and germination abnormalities, just as we have. So it appears that slowly it is catching on, but I was expecting a bigger rush, and when it didn’t happen I realized that what we’re going to need is some other scientists, some more work, and so I wanted to enlarge the scope of BLT and not have it just be Burke, Levengood and Talbott, but have it be as many scientists as I could seduce into doing this. Levengood was not interested in that at all, so he and I went our separate ways. Burke and I still collaborate, but I started to then recruit other scientists with totally different expertise. Not biologists, but people who had other things that they did, and the first thing that I was able to accomplish was some work on the soil. A friend of mine, a geologist, had done a very minor testing of a crop circle in Logan, Utah, back in 1996, and her particular area of expertise was the effects of heat on clay minerals in the soil. She reasoned that if Levengood was correct and microwaves were involved and were affecting the plants, then they might also be affecting the clay minerals in the soils. So she did some X-ray diffraction work and came to the conclusion that the clays did in fact show this increased ordering, on the atomic level (they call it the increased crystalline structure) but her study wasn’t big enough. She didn’t have the money to do it right, and she told me about her results, and in her mind this was something worth pursuing. And so it just so happened that Laurance Rockefeller had gotten in touch with me and wanted me to come to New York to fill him in on our work, and he suggested that I present him with some projects, things that I would like to do, and one of the things that I presented him with was an X-ray diffraction study of clay minerals in crop circle soils. And he gave us enough money to do it. So what I did then was I hired a very competent X-ray diffraction (they call these guys material scientists) on the West Coast, and I hired a statistician who had been at MIT out in Ohio, and Levengood went ahead and did the plant work, and what we did in this case was there had been a very interesting case up in Edmonton, Canada. It was a seven circle pictogram sort of thing in a field of barley that was infested with Canadian thistle, which only a fool would walk into a field of Canadian thistle, because it sticks you every where. But here was this eloquent crop circle. It turned out it was related to a UFO. The people who owned the farm had a UFO encounter, with the UFO right over that field at the same time, and a totally separate individual had also observed a UFO over that field, which I didn’t know at the time. But it really wasn’t relevant to me one way or the other, at the time. But what we did was we took plants (a lot of plants) from three of the circles. The biggest one, a medium sized one, and a small one, and then did radio sampling. I don’t remember, but we probably had a couple thousand plants. And then we took controls all over the place, and at each location where we would take a plant sample from up to about 15 plants, cut off at the base, we would also then take a soil sample at exactly that same location. And so we had both the plants and the soils. Levengood did the plant work just like he always does and produced his results, and he did find massive node elongations. That was the first case in which we saw this expulsion cavity stuff all the way down the plant stem. It wasn’t in just one node. It was in every node, and in some of them even the first node was blown. It was a very powerful kind of example. Then, and totally separately, I had the material science guy extract the clays from the soils, put them on mounts and run the X-ray diffractions, because we wanted to see if we had any change in the crystalline structure of those clays, inside the circle compared to the controls. That’s the expensive part of the work. It took him quite awhile and he did the work, and then he simply gave me his results, and this separate, totally independent statistician then did the statistical work. Now the XRD guy, the material science guy, had never even heard of a crop circle, which is one of the reasons that I picked him. I didn’t want any bias at all. All that he knew is that he got a bunch of bags of soil, he had to extract the clays, make the mounts, and then run the machine. The statistician likewise had never heard of a crop circle. Again I’m doing everything that I can here to avoid bias. It turned out that the statistical results showed us that we did have statistically significant node length change, we did have statistically significant change in the crystalline structure of the soils. Both of these at the 95 percent level of confidence. When we compared whether the changes in the plants occurred in the same places that the changes in the soils did, that result was 99.2 percent. In other words, in almost every instance the changes were in exactly the same locations. Now this is a big problem because Levengood is postulating a plasma discharge which is very brief and fairly intense, but very, very brief. A nanosecond or two, you know? The kind of energy that it would take to change the crystalline structure in the clays is totally different. Normally in nature it occurs over thousands of years because you have mountains pressing down on sediments, and over thousands of years this crystalline structure will alter. The only thing that could do it in surface soil would be intense heat, because in surface soil of course you have no pressure. You don’t have geologic pressure. The kind of heat that it would take would have incinerated the field. So here we have a conundrum. We have the plant changes we’re used to seeing in crop circles all over the world, we have this change in the clay minerals at exactly the same sampling locations, and yet the energy that it would have taken to cause the change in the soils would have literally incinerated the plants. Editor: Now outside of the circles, when you took control samples outside of the circles, the clay was.. Nancy Talbott: Those were the controls against which we judged the samples. Editor: Did the controls show crystallization at all? Nancy Talbott: No. Of course not. This produced a new hypothesis. When I got these results I knew they were amazing. I don’t know a lot about geology, but I knew enough to know that there was something wild here, and I knew that we didn’t know enough to evaluate it properly. So I went to a guy who is the most prominent mineralogist and geologist in the U.S. His specialty is clay minerals, in particular, and the X-ray diffraction techniques specifically. He was the head of the department of earth sciences at Dartmouth College, which is relatively close to me, and I was kind of amazed that he was willing to look at all of this material for me. I thought he’d say no, but he agreed. When he first saw our statistics he said we had to be wrong. That it was impossible. So he asked to see all of the mounts, the X-ray diffraction work, you see, so we shipped all of the mounts to him, at Dartmouth, and he then repeated the X-ray diffraction work on his own machine and got exactly the same results that we got. Then he wanted to see the statistical work. He figured somebody had screwed up there. So we sent him all of the statistical work. He redid it and got exactly the same thing that we got. At this point he came up with a couple of ideas as to what else might have caused this. It’s too technical for you to put it into this magazine, nobody would understand it, but suffice to say that we ruled that out. We went ahead and did some more testing and that wasn’t the answer. His last question was whether or not microwaves could have caused it, knowing that Levengood proposes microwaves as the heating agency, and we then took a lot of the controls and exposed them to microwaves, for varying periods of time, and found that no, the microwave radiation did not cause the changes in the soils. So with these results his final statement to me was: “We have to be dealing with an energy unknown to science, because there is no energy known to science, at the moment, that can selectively affect the plants in one manner and the soils in another, at precisely the same location.” And again this is so far beyond boards and planks that it’s ridiculous. Well the next study that we tried to do with the mycorrhizal fungi examinations, because a guy at the University of California Davis called me and was very interested and wanted to do this, and we sampled a bunch of crop circles for him, but he ran out of time. The study was never finished, so I don’t have any information there. We’ve got a number of other projects that we’re involved with now. What I’ve done is that I’ve involved now a whole bunch of new scientists. I’ve just added two or three. They’re not up on the website yet. What’s happening now is exactly what I wanted, which is as we put up and publish this work, in great detail, which we do, occasionally a scientist out there somewhere comes across it and they start to realize that this is real work. This is serious, and if they’re curious to begin with they then call me and ask if there is some way that they can get involved. Rudolph Schild of Harvard has joined us now. Robert Stearman of the University of Texas is one of our consultants. Phyllis Budinger, an analytical chemist in Ohio is one of our consultants. The whole idea is to get as many scientists with as many different areas of expertise involved, and then maybe we’ll come up with enough to eventually cause the general public, or the mainstream science community, to realize that there’s something amazing going on here. Editor: I see that Nicholas Reiter is on your board. He has contributed a number of articles to us in the past, I did an interview with him, and reviewed his book, The Bridges of Avalon. Nancy Talbott: He’s a good guy. Nick’s very careful. Very cautious, which is a lot of what you want when you’re dealing with speculative stuff. What’s driving me is that I know these things. I’ve seen a couple of crop circles form now. If you read on the website, check out the Eyewitness Report section. The first one there is one that I saw forming, and when you’ve seen something like that you don’t have any doubt. I know it isn’t planks and boards, and I don’t know what it is. Editor: So that was a big turning point for you there? Nancy Talbott: No, the science has been the strongest thing. Then when I also got to see one form, you couldn’t shake me with a rock, you know. I know what the science tells me, I know who the scientists are, I know they’re competent, and on top of that now I’ve actually seen two of them happen. It’s pretty hard to convince me that it’s planks and boards. Editor: Can you give us a little overview as to where, when, and what you saw? Nancy Talbott: Read it. It’s right there on the website. This is in the Eyewitness Report section. It’s the first one. There’s a whole bunch of cases there. But I was in Holland, with this boy around whom they occur all of the time, who I’ve been working with for years. We had been doing a magnetometer study for Dr. William Roll, who is very interested in finding out if there were electromagnetic variations in the fields around this boy, where the crop circles occur there, and we had spent weeks out in these damned fields in the heat, climbing over barbed wire fences and crawling over dikes, all of this on bicycles, and I’m too old for that kind of stuff. We didn’t get a damned thing. Got nothing. After a couple of weeks of this, I was so annoyed because we just didn’t get anything. There were no abnormalities at all. Then late one night, after having done this all day, the boy wanted to go back out and take photographs in the fields. I was so annoyed I said to hell with this phenomenon, I’m sick and tired of doing all of this work, why is it so hard to study, why can’t it be more direct. I’m going to bed. And I marched upstairs to get into the bed. Well, the room that I’m staying in there is in the back of the house and it overlooks this big farm field and it has huge floor to ceiling glass doors that open up onto a balcony, and I had them wide open because it was hot as it could be, and I’m sitting in bed reading and he’s downstairs in the kitchen having peanut butter and jelly and I heard the cattle down the road start to bellow. And I know, because part of my job is to talk to all of the ranchers and farm owners on whose properties the crop circles occur, and I know from talking to them for all of these years that if they have animals, particularly cattle, or horses or dogs, these animals will carry on like crazy when a crop circle is getting ready to happen. So when I heard the cattle I knew right away, “Oh, something is up.” I thought I should get out of the bed and stand in the windows, to see the whole thing, but for some reason I didn’t. I don’t know why I didn’t. And the cattle became quiet and I went back to reading, a couple more minutes elapsed, and then the cattle started to really bawl, the way they do when they’re really disturbed, and I knew that something was getting ready, and they shut up, and before I could really think about it this tube of light came shooting down from above. It lit up that field. I could see a half a mile away easy. It lit up my room like I was on Broadway. It scared the hell out of me. A brilliant, brilliant tube of light. It came screaming down like a freight train, you know. Geez! It only lasted for a second or so. No noise, no smell. Just the brilliant light. It went out and I kind of like, “Geez, did I really see that, and before I could think a second one came, and then a third one. And by now I’ve got my feet swung out over the bed. I’m getting ready to run downstairs to see if this guy is watching all of this. Well he’s running up the stairs because he’s been seeing it from the kitchen. So we went immediately to the door downstairs and looked up to see where these tubes of light were coming from, and there was nothing up there. A perfectly normal sky. Stars here and there, and a few whispy clouds. If there was anything up there it was invisible. But the force with which these tubes had come down, I wasn’t going to step out there. To hell with it. I thought one might come and I’d get zapped. Robbert stood there, and he’s younger than I am, and he’s braver, and he stepped out and he didn’t get zapped, so I thought okay, grab the flashlight and we went right to the end of his little garden, about 80 or 90 feet in back of the house, and shone the light over into that field, which at the time had string beans in it, and there right in front of our face was a brand new crop circle. It was really something. I guarantee that planks and boards were not involved. There wasn’t a plank or board in sight. So having seen that, and as you read the Eyewitness Reports, one of the more recent ones Robbert and I saw another one last year happen. Totally different. It didn’t happen like that, but having had these experiences firsthand and knowing all of the science work, because I have been part of all the science that has been done so far, I know perfectly well that this is a real phenomenon. It doesn’t mean that people don’t make some crop circles. People do make some crop circles, particularly in England where some people don’t seem to have anything better to do with their time. But that’s not what the phenomenon is all about. And what it is, and where it is coming from, whether a plasma vortex is an answer, whether it’s UFOs, I don’t know what it is. I would sure like to find out. Editor: I was reading a little bit on your website about this Robbert, the young man that you’re talking about. Nancy Talbott: We ought to do a thing about him one of these days. I’m writing a whole bunch more stuff. I have tons of things to write about him, but I haven’t done it because until recently he wasn’t in the public. What’s going on with him, Brent, you wouldn’t believe. I would have to take you there, sit you down, and let you see some of the 12,000 photos with the wildest stuff on it that you have ever imagined. I’ve never seen anything like it in my life, and it’s not just weird photos anymore. It’s beings that appear, it’s creatures. Anyhow, he’s asked me recently to write some of these things, so I’m working on a number of new reports that are going to go up, and in awhile there will be a couple more about Robbert that will give you a little better idea of how utterly amazing that case is. The reason I got involved is it started off with crop circles. They happened around him, and he would know when they were happening. That kind of thing, which I thought maybe I could learn something. Now we’ve become friends and there’s all of this other stuff. I don’t know what the hell it means. Editor: I know that I read that he’d have these visions and it would be impossible distances for him to get to, to these areas, but he’d describe them and the circles would be there. Nancy Talbott: He’s been doing that for ten years. Editor: And you wrote something about that it was like he was a conduit to other dimensions of reality. Nancy Talbott: I think that maybe he is, although I don’t exactly understand that, but I don’t know what else to make of it, you know? What do you think when you read it? Editor: I was thinking about how he was describing the balls of light that he had seen form with the circles and actually one time lights, which I think was earlier in his experience, swirled around him and he fainted and later woke up in the middle of the circle. Nancy Talbott: Correct. Editor: It’s almost like a poltergeist type phenomena. Nancy Talbott: There’s a lot of poltergeist stuff that goes on around him, but there are beings, many different kinds of beings, that manifest. He’s got pictures of them! I’ve seen them. Hundreds of them Editor: Arms and legs? Nancy Talbott: Oh yeah, heads, arms and legs, and all kinds of stuff. He doesn’t know what the hell is going on, but stuff has been happening since he was about eight, and it has increased in intensity, in complexity, in drama and in frequency as he’s gotten older. He’s now 26. He’s going to be 27 this year. I was just there, a month or so ago. One of the things that he’s doing now is that he can take his hands and simply aim them at a compass and the needle will go wherever he tells it to go. And it stays there until he tells it not to stay there. Editor: Is the needle being deflected by his hand. Nancy Talbott: No, his hand is no where near it. Another thing he’s doing now (these are some of the things I’m going to be writing up) he can take big heavy cooking spoons, like you use in a soup kitchen. He can do the bending thing, like Uri Geller, but now he takes these big heavy things and he’ll smack them onto his forehead, tell them to stay, and they stay! They don’t fall! And we were doing this, a couple months ago at his house [editor’s note: interview date 03-15-07], and I was trying to photograph it, because I’m going to write about it, and I figured nobody is going to believe me unless I get photographs, so I’ve got this handful of spoons and forks, big heavy ones, and I’m handing them to him as he asks me. He gets one stuck on, then he wants another, then he wants another. When he gets two or three or four of them, then I begin taking pictures, and we’re in the middle of doing this and that’s all we’re thinking about, because he’s concentrating on doing this and I’m concentrating on trying to get some decent photographs of it. And suddenly there was this very quiet tap, tap, tap at the door. We were in this little office that he’s got. I heard it, but I would never have paid any attention to it if it hadn’t been for Robbert. He looked and turned around and he looked at me and he said, “Did you hear that?” I said, “Yeah.” He knew, because he now has become a healer, among other things. He knew that was a sign, that whatever this is that is going on it was there. So we turned around (we only had one camera, mine, because I was doing this photography) and I snapped a shot, and there’s a man standing there! On the LED screen, right in front. I jumped. Editor: You could see it on the screen but not with your eyes. Nancy Talbott: Correct. Not with my eyes, but on the screen. So then he took it. We got 25 shots of this man, then Robbert decided that this was a dead person who was having trouble getting wherever he had to go, and therefore he should call in the light balls, because some of the light balls, according to Robbert, are here to help dead people get where they have to go. Not all light balls, but some of them. So he was going to focus in and concentrate, and he started doing this. Then this creature comes, again all of this on the LED screen, shot after shot after shot, and we’re talking of a space of 3 or 4 feet between us and the door, and there’s this being, whatever it is, then the light balls come, the whole thing moves down the hallway and everything goes back to normal. The vibe in the room went back to normal, the temperature went back up, and he and I just looked at each other and we went right back to what we were doing. It was like “Okay.” Editor: Wow, so you saw the light balls in your LED screen too. Nancy Talbott: Yeah. We have thousands and thousands of photos. Light balls is the least of it. I mean tubes and wiggles and, you won’t believe it. I’m going to put some of these pictures up and when you see some of this stuff, of what’s going on there, I have no idea what the explanation is, but I know that the crop circles that occur around Robbert, that we have tested (we don’t test them all, but the ones that we have tested) show the same changes that we get everywhere else. The beings that appear, there are a variety of them, and one of them is sort of an angel I think. There are bird-like things that appear. I haven’t even seen all of the photos myself. Last year when I was there I got the father to go away and just let me sit with this library for awhile, and I know that in three or four hours I probably went through 2,000 of these, and that’s a drop in the bucket of what he’s got. It’s like, Oh my God, a mud man from New Guinea doing a dance where he’s halfway into the ceiling and halfway into the floor, a bride with no head, a World War II soldier. It’s a huge range of things. I just figure that Robbert is a particular kind of person that maybe he was born this way, or maybe somebody did something to him when he was real young, but he has an ability to access realities that we can’t. Now whether that means other dimensions or other worlds, I don’t know. But it also seems to me that he has no control, at this point, over what comes through, and that whatever is passing by can come through now. That’s like with this man. Normally, when he sees clients now, people come to him for all kinds of help, and one of the things that they come to him for is if somebody died in their family and they’re upset, and he sees their dead relatives when the client is there. He takes photographs of the dead relative and gives them to the client. That’s how he knows that they are the relatives. The clients will tell him. Editor: He’s kind of like an extraordinary medium, or almost like a shaman. Nancy Talbott: They call him a medium in Holland, except for the skeptics who call him a liar. But these things that he can do are growing. More stuff is happening, and it gets wilder and wilder, and what it really means I don’t know. He thinks that it’s of a spiritual nature. He basically thinks that it’s of the spirit, of the Almighty somehow. But then there’s other stuff that he calls ET’s. He makes a very clear separation generally between the standard Whitley Strieber type ET and the creatures that he’s involved with. His creatures, when they have that same sort of grey shape, they have long, thin necks though, and their heads are not quite the same shape. It’s a different shape. All I know is he’s not lying. I’ve been right there with him so many times. Maybe ten different summers now, and I always stay for two or three weeks, and every single time that I’m there sometimes it’s poltergeist stuff that happens, sometimes it’s crop circles, sometimes it’s things manifesting, you know, beings, lights, or God knows what. But he’s not making it up. He’s telling the truth. | ||
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